Why Choose PPSF Consulting?

  • Highly Trained Relationship Expertise

    PPSF Consulting grew out of the practice of a licensed psychotherapist* focusing on human relationships. Every consulting project undertaken by our firm is handled by someone with thousands of hours of postgraduate training and professional experience in understanding how people think, feel, and act with each other. That specialized expertise is put to work to analyze what is happening on your team and address the problems you are facing.

    This background also means that we bring
    unparalleled professionalism to our consulting work. We value the trust you place in us when you invite us in to work with you. Because we have extensive experience facing the most complex and troubling human dynamics, we are confident and skillful in managing even the most sensitive types of challenges that can arise in your workplace. And what happens in your business is safe with us: we uphold the strictest standards of confidentiality.

  • We Know People

    Because we are
    people experts, we aren’t fooled by common myths about workplace dynamics. Instead, we base our work on sound psychological principles. Click here to see our list of 5 Myths About Workplace Dynamics.

  • Tailor-Made for Your Business

    PPSF Consulting uses a method based in careful observation and deep listening to obtain information about what’s going on in real life on your team, without any preconceived ideas. This helps us keep an open mind to all potential possibilities, and to come to more accurate, data-based conclusions about the causes of the problems you have identified. We use this to inform our solutions, which are flexible and responsive, like real people.

  • Personalized Attention

    We believe in making communication easier, not harder! You will work closely with one consultant through the entire lifetime of the project. That same consultant will be the point person for any questions that arise, follow-up needs, or future engagement.

  • Cultural Competence

    With a wide range of backgrounds and life experience in the members of your team, it can be challenging to navigate the complex currents of cross-cultural dynamics. These concerns can’t be neatly sorted out and dealt with separately in a cultural competence training; they’re intertwined in every communication.

    Diversity considerations are attended to in all phases of a consulting project. Final reports always include a detailed, point-by-point summary of the cultural and demographic considerations at your workplace, along with specialized suggestions for more effective interactions.

  • Follow-Up Care

    Entrenched patterns of communication and group dynamics don’t change overnight. That’s why things often go right back to the way they were, even after what felt like an effective workshop or seminar.

    In order to assure lasting results, you are presented a comprehensive final report that reviews all our findings, as well as a summary of our facilitations and
    specific advice on next steps and implementation strategies. There are also options of on-going phone availability or additional facilitations for things that come up after we’ve met. Our project will end with you well on your way to the thriving workplace you want, and the tools in hand to keep it that way.