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PPSF Consulting was started by Jyoti M. Rao, an interpersonal communications consultant and licensed psychotherapist* in San Francisco. Her consulting practice helps people in entrepreneurial organizations communicate with each other more effectively.

PPSF Consulting grew out of Ms. Rao’s clinical practice,
Pacific Psychotherapy of San Francisco. Noting how often workplace relationships are fraught with unaddressed and frustration, Ms. Rao started PPSF Consulting to bring the insights and techniques of psychology into the office environment. She has a passion for improving communication and relatedness to improve quality of life in all arenas, both personal and professional.

Ms. Rao holds degrees from the University of California at Berkeley and the California Institute of Integral Studies, with extensive graduate and post-graduate training in individual and group dynamics. This included training in the "T-Group" method, which is taught in the Group Facilitation Training Program at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.

She has facilitated groups in a wide range of contexts including training institutes, private foundations, multidisciplinary teams, meetings of key stakeholders, and collaborations between private, public, and nonprofit sectors. She brings to her consulting work her experience as a clinician and group leader, her training in psychology, and her history as both a manager and individual contributor in various high-intensity work settings.

*Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #49137
The services offered by PPSF Consulting do not constitute psychotherapy in any form.